The full potential of the Salvation
The 17th of February we had a lovely meeting at Arken. Many people where giving their testimonies of how God had healed them during worship, some physical and some emotionally. After the meeting there came forth another 4-5 persons, which did not have the courage to give their testimonies official but still wanted to give the glory to God for what he had done in their lives. They told me that God had healed them from pain and anxiety. Thorbjörn Holst-Larsen was leading the meeting and the worship was led by Christina Tärnroth. I preached about the power that rests in our words. Would you like to listen to the sermon in its fullness and also take part in some of the testimonies that people gave you can order the preaching on Dvd (unfortunately it is only available in Swedish) in Arkens Webb shop.
The 19-20th of April I will go to Helsinki – and I look forward to meet the friends that live there. The 12-19th of May I will go to Estonia and travel around in different churches there during a week. With me I will have a team from Arken. I will return with rapports when I have returned from those trips.
All well!