02 January 2009

It is with joy that I look back on a full week in Estonia. It embraced more than I ever could have guessed before I went there. We came in contact with Pastor Maksim Tomassov and Jelena Tomassova, leaders for the church in Sillamäe. We felt wery greatful for their hospitality. Sillamäe is close to the Russian border. Gods presence is always strong, but you could actually feel his presence in the meeting we held in Estonia. Jesus was ministering people in a wonderful way during our stay there. We where witnessing how people got both healed and saved during our visit there. Estonia is a country open for the gospel of Jesus, and in a great need for your support and prayer... take part of a short glimpse from our journey through this short trailer... God’s blessings! God is a miraculous God!!!

Take part of the trip here: Team Estonia 2008

18 February 2008

The full potential of the Salvation

The 17th of February we had a lovely meeting at Arken. Many people where giving their testimonies of how God had healed them during worship, some physical and some emotionally. After the meeting there came forth another 4-5 persons, which did not have the courage to give their testimonies official but still wanted to give the glory to God for what he had done in their lives. They told me that God had healed them from pain and anxiety. Thorbjörn Holst-Larsen was leading the meeting and the worship was led by Christina Tärnroth. I preached about the power that rests in our words. Would you like to listen to the sermon in its fullness and also take part in some of the testimonies that people gave you can order the preaching on Dvd (unfortunately it is only available in Swedish) in Arkens Webb shop.

The 19-20th of April I will go to Helsinki – and I look forward to meet the friends that live there. The 12-19th of May I will go to Estonia and travel around in different churches there during a week. With me I will have a team from Arken. I will return with rapports when I have returned from those trips.

All well!

21 December 2006

A meeting whith the Lord in December

Is present being translated to english. Please return here in a few days to read this exiting story :-)

With love

20 December 2006

Healing teaching at Arken in December

Is present being translated to english. Please return here in a few days to read this exiting story :-)

With love

Helsinki the cross its sign!

Is present being translated to english. Please return here in a few days to read this exiting story :-)

With love

10 October 2005

Report from Oslo - October 2005

Recently I came home from a trip to Oslo (8-9 october). I was there together with my oldest son, Jonathan (9yrs).

I thank God for all the things the Lord did, that brought both interest and excitement to the meetings. The presence of the Lord felt thick during the meetings. Not one of the meetings anyone left untouched. People was both laughing and crying in the same time as they had a deep reverence to the fact that the Lord was moving closely to each and every one present in a very personal way. It was a strong anointing poured out over every meeting with the presence of the Lord.

The teaching was focusing on three important issues during this weekend. On Saturday afternoon I where teaching on the subject anointing. The evening meeting had its focus on fulfillment of the promises that the Word talks about concerning our lives. Finally on Sunday morning the service preaching was about “living with fear or fear God free from fear”.

The whole weekend felt intact and it was a joyful and encouraged congregation that we could leave behind. Jonathan’s impartation in the meeting was much appreciated. In one of the meetings a woman came forth and blessed him with fifty Norwegian crowns. Another person in the meeting gave him candy. Jonathan’s main responsibility, during the meetings, was to take photos. He was really good at that and had actually managed to get real nice pictures that really captured the spirit in the meetings. He was also blessed with two new friends there. In the final meeting the congregation gave him a big applause for doing so well during all the meetings. I was (am) a very proud dad!

29 August 2005

Report from Gothenburg - August 2005

After a nice weekend in Gothenburg (27-28 August), where I was together with my son Solomon (5yrs) preaching the Word, we want to give all the glory to God! The teaching was well received and it was a great team that where with us. The meetings we had where very positive and encouraging. God touched people in a very deep way and many could receive comfort, encouragement and healing to their souls and emotions. Different people also gave their testimony after the meetings about how physical pain had left in meting after meeting. In one meeting Solomon had put his last coin in the offering. After that meeting a man came forth and asked him to hold up his hands. Then the man turned his wallet upside down and emptied it in Solomon’s hand. Solomon went from these meetings richer than when he came. In the same meeting there came a women to him and gave him a chocolate bar. The weekend ended with a big applause to Solomon, since every one that had been there thought he had done real well during the whole weekend. I was (am) a very proud dad!

09 May 2005


The 6th to 8th of May I traveled to Helsinki to preach. This trip came to be a historical weekend for Arken. This was namely the first time in Arken’s history that the team was a team with men only… There where 6 men of us, during the conference, plus one that showed up later. He had left for Finland in advanced. We had a tremendously and fun weekend, at the same time as the message and the teaching was characterized with both earnest and joy! The teaching had focus on the fear of the Lord during the whole weekend, and in one of the meetings the presence of the Lord was so near that people did not wanted to leave. That meeting continued for over four hours. One thing is definitely for sure – Finland belongs to the Lord!